I can say that hope is not lost, but falls in the hands of those involved in the selection process. All involved in the selection process should be responsible for highlighting the implicit biases by taking the following three actions. First, by establishing a shared meaning of diversity, a definition that spreads across experience, age, geography, and other “invisible characteristics.” Secondly, an intentional outline of desired diversity characteristics should be conducted in conjunction with timely metrics for obtaining them. Lastly, all recruiting and interview processes should be updated to mitigate bias and standardized across all candidates. All of these steps also require for a diverse set of decision makers, it is only through increased diversity of decision makers that we will see improvement of diversity across all areas. —Xochitl Ledesma, director of learning and advisory Services at Catalyst.

Originally Published: https://www.forbes.com/sites/maryannreid/2020/02/18/what-happens-when-white-women-become-the-face-of-diversity/?sh=3e1b7ac0287d&fbclid=IwAR1rggPcYOpEWYtKFszAO7jf1Ocide3GK9G3fTjaDNFWOW6aT4b5WQY6Vpo&mibextid=Zxz2cZ