The Violent History of the Police in America

By Derick O. Martin


When seeing horrendous acts of violence by the Police we must understand the origin of the Police. Hopefully, this article will shed some light on the mentality of some Police Officers. Like anything, the generational curse of violence by the Police must be addressed.

The history of police and slavery in America is deeply intertwined and can be traced back to the early days of the nation’s founding. From the very beginning, law enforcement was used to maintain order and enforce the rules of the slave-owning class. As the nation grew, so did the role of the police in maintaining the racial hierarchy that kept African Americans enslaved.


The first organized police forces in the United States were established in the 17th century. Colonial authorities used the police to enforce the law and to protect the property of the wealthy. This included protecting the interests of the slave-owning class, who relied on law enforcement to keep their property—including their slaves—safe. This was especially true in the southern states, where police were used to enforce slavery laws, capture runaway slaves, and deter slave revolts.

In the 19th century, as the institution of slavery became increasingly entrenched in the south, police forces became even more closely intertwined with the institution of slavery. Slaves were denied basic rights, such as the right to vote or to own property, and police were used to enforce these laws.


Police were also used to ensure that slaves did not escape or organize rebellions. As a result, police were seen as an extension of the slave-owning class.

After the Civil War and the passage of the 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery in the United States, African American citizens were granted legal rights and protections. However, these rights were not always respected, and police continued to be used to enforce segregation laws and uphold white supremacy. Police brutality and discrimination against African Americans became a common occurrence.


Today, the legacy of slavery and racism continues to influence the relationship between law enforcement and the African American community. The disproportionate use of force and incarceration of African Americans has been documented for decades, and there is evidence that police departments across the country are still influenced by systemic racism. The long history of police and slavery in America provides a stark reminder of how far we still have to go to create a truly equitable society.